What is UVA?
UVA (400nm-315nm): UVA has the longest wavelength and strongest penetrating ability.
The wavelength of ultraviolet rays
Since the ultraviolet rays radiation with a wavelength less than 200 nanometers will be strongly absorbed by the air, we basically only study ultraviolet rays with wavelengths above 200nm in our applications.
Ultraviolet radiation
The current national standard in China is according to Article 845-01-05 of GB/T2900.65-004 "Electrical Terminology Illumination".
What is the ultraviolet wavelengths?
Due to the wide range of ultraviolet wavelengths from 10nm to 400nm.It is necessary to perform a more detailed classification.As base on ultraviolet wavelengths's optical characteristics to facilitate industrial applications.At present, the international society and the domestic vertical industries have different classifications.But we have made a more authoritative specification based on the standards of the lighting industry. According to the classification of ISO-DIS-21348, ultraviolet wavelengths are divided into the following 10 categories: Name?Short?Wavelength?EnergyLong wave ultraviolet light, ultraviolet light A, or black lightUVA400–315nm3.10–3.94eV?Short UltravioletNUV400–300nm3.10–4.13eVMedium wave ultraviolet light, ultraviolet light BUVB315–280nm3.94–4.43eVMid-ultravioletMUV300–200nm4.13–6.20eVShortwave ultraviolet light, ultraviolet light C, germicidal ultraviolet radiationUVC280–100nm4.43–12.4eVLong ultravioletFUV200–122nm6.20–10.2eVVacuum UVVUV200–100nm6.20–12.4eVLow-energy ultravioletLUV100–88nm12.4–14.1eVHigh-energy [...]
Ultraviolet energy
We know that the shorter the wavelength of the ultraviolet photon, the greater the ultraviolet energy.
Ultraviolet Rays
The light source emit ultraviolet rays and propagate in the medium. Ultraviolet rays becomes energy transfer afterwards by absorbing of the material.
The ultraviolet rays transmiting way
The third is that when ultraviolet rays transmiting on the way of encountering two different media interfaces. Part of ultraviolet rays is to reflect and the other is to refract.
How to increase the radiation intensity?
The second is the law of independent propagation. When the two beams meet during the propagation process,
The process propagation of ultraviolet rays
As you know, ultraviolet light is invisible light. It is essentially an electromagnetic wave And its application characteristics are based on wave-particle duality.Therefore, whether it is the application of ultraviolet light or the development and design of ultraviolet flashlight products.It is all based on the basics of optical characteristics. For the volatility of ultraviolet light, it mainly describes the process of its propagation. It also applies to the three laws of light propagation: The first reason being that ultraviolet rays travel in a straight line in a vacuum or the same homogeneous medium.It reflects the characteristics of the direction of [...]
Perfessional manufacturer of ultraviolet light
Perfessional manufacturer of ultraviolet light As for the other optical characteristics of ultraviolet light, we will share it next time. Now we can answer the topic question.Ultraviolet light is different from the violet light that human eyes can see. It belongs to invisible light.Compared with visible light, ultraviolet light is indeed harmful. but it has to depend on wavelength and radiation dose. TANK007 is a manufacturer specializing in UV flashlights for more than ten years.If you are interested in ultraviolet light or UV flashlight products, please feel free to contact us. https://tank007.comproduct-category/uv-flashlight/
Is ultraviolet light belongs to invisible light?
Ultraviolet light belongs to invisible light, and the essence of light is electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves also have wave-particle duality,that is, energy is analyzed from the perspective of particles (called photons), and its propagation is analyzed from the perspective of waves(it can be simply imagined as each particle propagates in space according to a certain regular trajectory). The shorter the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave, the greater the energy of the photon, the greater its permeability, and the greater its harmfulness.We are familiar with these characteristics as X-rays, which can penetrate the human body and be medically filmed. At the [...]
What is the ultraviolet rays?
In 1801, German physicists discovered is a section outside the purple end of the daylight spectrum. It could sensitize photographic films containing silver bromide.And thus discovered the presence of ultraviolet rays. But at that time there was no concept of electromagnetic waves,The scientific community did not reach any agreement on the nature of light. It was not until the wonderful Maxwell equations were summarized. To put forward that people gradually realized the series of invisible rays. Such as ultraviolet rays and others that the eyes can’t see are essentially electromagnetic waves. Now that we know ultraviolet light is an electromagnetic [...]