Brand torch has counters in super markets with good reputation, Tank007 got good reputation in torch industry and clients, and we suggest clients buy authentic brand torch, don’t buy the cheap ones which may cause security problems.
I’d like to say something in life: March of this year, one of my friends bought a rechargeable torch with RMB8, it works well for several months. But when he charged the torch in the night of 13th June, a “bang” was heard at around 11 PM, he suddenly ran to the living room and saw the torch went into fragments. But he didn’t have the invoice since the torch was the “3 without” product.
There are lots of “3 without” and low quality gadgets in the market, these gadgets have huge potential risk which may easily cause trouble. Kindly remind from Tank007 torch: clients would better buy the daily necessities in the market, counter and shoppe with good reputation. Please do ask the invoice or purchase proof when buying, we could claim or complain once there are something wrong with them.